DIY natural perfume making with essential oil - blends

How to Make Perfume with Essential Oils (8 Recipe Blends Included)

The art of making perfume using essential oils is a delicate and intricate practice that has been perfected over centuries. Essential oils are natural, aromatic compounds extracted from plants, and they form the foundation of high-quality perfumes. 

Let’s explore the techniques and skills involved in making perfumes with essential oils, and DIY perfume recipes.

Why use essential oils for perfume making?

Essential oils have been used for centuries in various cultures around the world for their medicinal and aromatic properties. 

Today, they are commonly known for their use in aromatherapy, skincare, and perfume making. These oils offer a wide range of benefits when it comes to perfume making. 

Not only do they provide a natural alternative to synthetic fragrances, but they also offer a depth and complexity of scent that cannot be replicated. 

Types of Essential Oil Fragrances 

With a multitude of scents to choose from, such as floral, citrus, woodsy, and spicy, essential oils provide perfumers with a diverse palette to create captivating fragrances. 


One popular category is fresh, which includes scents like peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree. These oils have a clean and invigorating aroma, perfect for promoting a sense of alertness and energy.


Another prevalent type is floral, which encompasses oils like lavender, rose, and chamomile. These fragrances are known for their sweet and delicate scents, often used for relaxation and stress relief.


Then there are woody essential oils such as cedarwood, sandalwood, and pine, which offer a warm and earthy aroma, ideal for creating a grounding and calming environment.


Citrusy essential oils like lemon, orange, and grapefruit are known for their uplifting and refreshing scents, great for boosting mood and improving mental clarity.


Lastly, there are spicy essential oils like cinnamon, ginger, and clove, which provide a warm and invigorating aroma, commonly used for creating a cozy and comforting atmosphere. 

Tips for Blending Essential Oils in Natural Perfume Making

When it comes to blending essential oils, understanding the scent notes is crucial. Essential oils are categorized into top, middle, and base notes, each with their own unique characteristics and volatility.

Top notes

These are the first impression of a scent and tend to be light and fresh,

Middle notes

The heart of the fragrance and provide a balanced aroma

Base notes 

These are rich and deep, providing longevity to the scent.

Knowing how to balance these notes is essential for creating a well-rounded perfume.

Ratio Guidelines for Blending Essential Oils in Perfumery

Additionally, ratio guidelines for blending essential oils are important to follow.

  • Top notes should make up 10-30% of the blend, 
  • Middle notes 30-60%, 
  • Base notes 15-30%.

It's important to start with a small amount of each oil and gradually increase to achieve the desired scent.

Experimenting with different ratios and combinations of oils is also key to finding the perfect blend.

Choosing the Right Essential Oils for Crafting Your Own Perfume 

When it comes to creating perfumes using essential oils, there are several factors to consider in order to choose the right ones.

  • Firstly, it's important to consider the scent profile of each essential oil and how they will blend together to create a harmonious fragrance. Some essential oils are more top notes, like citrus and floral scents, while others are more base notes, such as woody or earthy scents.
  • It's also crucial to consider the strength and longevity of the scent, as some essential oils have a stronger fragrance than others and may overpower the overall perfume if not carefully balanced.
  • Additionally, the quality and purity of the essential oils must be taken into account, as these factors can greatly impact the final fragrance.

Popular essential oils used in perfume-making

Some of the most popular ones Include lavender, rose, jasmine, sandalwood, and vanilla.

Lavender, with its calming and floral scent, is often used as a top note, while vanilla, with its sweet and warm aroma, is commonly used as a base note. 

Rose and jasmine are beloved for their rich and floral scents, making them great choices for creating a romantic and feminine perfume.

Sandalwood, with its woody and exotic aroma, is often used as a base note to add depth and warmth to a fragrance.

DIY Natural Perfume-Making Using Essential Oils

To make perfume at home using essential oils, you will need the following:

  1. Essential Oils: Choose a combination of essential oils based on your preferred scent profile, such as floral, citrus, herbal, spicy, woody, oriental, or aquatic. Some examples include lavender, rose, citrus, sandalwood, and bergamot.
  2. Carrier Oil: Select a lightweight, non-greasy, and colorless carrier oil to dilute the essential oils. Common options include fractionated coconut oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, tomato seed oil, or safflower oil.
  3. Glass Bottle: Use a glass rollerball or spray bottle to mix and store your perfume. Dark-colored bottles are preferred to protect the oils from light exposure.
  4. Measuring Tools: You may need a dropper or pipette to measure and add the essential oils to the carrier oil.
  5. Optional: If you prefer a spray perfume, you can also use alcohol (such as vodka or perfumer's alcohol) as a base in addition to the carrier oil.

Steps to make perfume:  

make natural perfumes with essential oils
  1. Choose your essential oils: Select a combination of essential oils that you like. Essential oils typically fall into one of 7 scent categories: floral, citrus, herbal, spicy, woody, oriental, and aquatic. You can mix and match different oils to create your desired scent.
  2. Determine the ratio: Follow a 20% concentration ratio, which means using 20 drops of essential oil blend for every 80 drops of carrier oil. This ensures that the perfume is not too strong and can be applied directly to the skin.
  3. Select a carrier oil: Choose a lightweight, non-greasy, and colorless carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, tomato seed oil, or safflower oil.
  4. Combine the essential oils: Add your chosen essential oils to a glass bottle.
  5. Add the carrier oil: Fill the rest of the bottle with the carrier oil of your choice.
  6. Mix and apply: Swirl the bottle around to thoroughly combine the oils, and then apply to your pulse points. Reapply as needed throughout the day.

How to store homemade perfumes?

storing essential oil perfumes

When it comes to packaging and storing homemade perfumes, there are a few important steps to follow.

  • First, you'll want to choose the right type of container for your perfume. Dark glass bottles are an ideal choice as they help to protect the fragrance from light and heat, which can cause it to degrade over time. 
  • Once you have your bottles selected, you'll need to carefully pour your homemade perfume into them, taking care not to spill any of the precious liquid. Make sure to seal the bottles tightly to prevent any air from getting in or evaporating essential oil and affecting the scent. 
  • Once your perfumes are packaged, it's important to store them in a cool, dark place. A cupboard or drawer away from direct sunlight is ideal.
  • Extreme temperatures can also affect the fragrance, so try to keep them in a stable environment.
  • Lastly, make sure to label your bottles with the date of creation and the ingredients used, so you can keep track of when they were made and how long they've been stored. 

How to make your perfume last longer? 

To make your perfume last longer, try applying a fragrance-free moisturizer to your skin before spraying your perfume. This will help lock in the scent and make it last longer throughout the day.

You can also try spraying a little bit of perfume on your clothes and hair, as the scent tends to linger longer on these surfaces.

Additionally, storing your perfume in a cool, dark place can help preserve its longevity. 

8 Essential Oil Perfume Recipes 

essential oil perfume blends

Here are some essential oil perfume recipes to try:

Floral Blend

Rose  Blend

Citrus Blend

Herbaceous Blend

Spicy Blend

  • 2 drops cinnamon leaf
  • 2 drops ginger
  • 2 drops clove

Woody Blend

Oriental Blend

Aquatic Blend

Safety Considerations when working with essential oils

When working with essential oils for perfume making, it is important to consider safety guidelines to avoid potential harm or adverse reactions.

  1. Firstly, it is crucial to adhere to dilution guidelines to ensure that the essential oils are properly diluted before use. This helps to reduce the risk of skin irritation and sensitization.
  2. Additionally, it is important to be aware of potential allergic reactions that could occur when using certain essential oils. It is recommended to conduct a patch test before using a new essential oil to check for any allergic reactions.
  3. Furthermore, special precautions should be taken when using essential oils around pregnant women and children. Some essential oils can harm pregnant women and may be harmful to children, so it is important to seek guidance from a healthcare professional before using any essential oils in these situations. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I create a floral scent with essential oils?

Absolutely! You can produce a floral scent by using lavender essential oil and other floral  essential oils such as rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, and geranium. By blending these oils together in different combinations, you can create a beautiful and natural floral scent.

How do I make my perfume last longer?

To make your perfume last longer, consider using base notes like sandalwood and cedarwood, as they tend to evaporate more slowly.

How to make designer perfume oils?

Creating designer perfume oils involves carefully selecting high-quality essential oils, determining a desired scent profile, precise measurement of oils, blending of oils,testing and adjusting the fragrance, and finally bottling it in a clean, airtight container. 

Which alcohol is best for perfume making?

Ethanol, denatured alcohol, and perfumer's alcohol. However, perfumer's alcohol is often considered to be the best option for perfume making, as it is specially formulated for use in perfumery and is designed to be odorless and colorless, allowing the fragrance to be the focal point.

What can i mix with essential oils to make perfume?

You can mix essential oils with carrier oils such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, or coconut oil to make a perfume. Additionally, you can mix them with alcohol or witch hazel to create a spray-on perfume. You can also mix essential oils with distilled water and a solubilizer to make a water-based perfume spray.

How to make perfume with essential oils and water?

  • Select your preferred essential oils.
  • Combine 10-20 drops of essential oil (or a blend of oils) into a small spray container.
  • Pour 1/4 cup of distilled water into the spray container.
  • Ensure to shake the bottle thoroughly to blend the contents.
  • Spritz the fragrance onto your skin, attire, or into the air and relish the aroma!

How to make solid perfume with essential oils?

  1. Gather materials: Prepare a base like beeswax or shea butter, essential oils, and a small container (lip balm or tin).
  2. Melt the base: Use a double boiler or microwave to liquefy the beeswax or shea butter.
  3. Add essential oils: After cooling slightly, incorporate preferred essential oils; adjust quantity based on personal preference and desired scent strength.
  4. Pour into container: Carefully pour the melted mixture into your chosen container, avoiding spills.
  5. Let it solidify: Allow the mixture to cool and solidify, which may take a few hours depending on the base.
  6. Use: Once solidified, apply a small amount to pulse points, like wrists and neck, and enjoy the scent released by your skin's warmth.

Where to apply perfume oils?

Perfume oils can be applied to various pulse points on your body to maximize their longevity and diffusion. Some common areas to apply perfume are neck, wrists, behind the ears, inside elbows, behind the knees and ankles and calves.


In summary, making your perfume with essential oils is a fun and creative adventure, letting you create a scent that's uniquely yours. Understanding the different smells and safety tips is important.

To get started, check out our variety of essential oils and carrier oils.

 Visit our website to find quality oils and begin making your special scent today!

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Every well put together it’s very helpful to me and presentable


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