Uncovering the 4 Best Essential Oils for Acne, Backed by Studies - Aroma Farmacy

Uncovering the 4 Best Essential Oils for Acne, Backed by Studies

Essential oils, valued for their medicinal properties, are increasingly popular for treating acne. This common skin condition is caused by factors like excess oil, bacteria, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances. While conventional treatments exist, some prefer natural remedies like essential oils.

Essential oils, extracted from plants, hold their natural fragrance and healing powers. They're made through processes like steam distillation or cold pressing and are used in things like aromatherapy and skincare. 

Some essential oils are great for acne as they reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, and control oil. In this article, we'll look at the top essential oils and how to use them safely.

Understanding Acne

Acne also known as Acne Vulgaris, a common skin issue affecting people of all ages, arises when hair follicles get clogged with oil and dead skin cells, resulting in pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of acne, including genetics, hormones, and lifestyle factors such as diet and stress.

Hormonal changes during puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy can also trigger acne breakouts. Certain medications and cosmetics can also contribute to the development of acne.

There are several types of acne, including:

  • Whiteheads: Small, white bumps that form when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells.

  • Blackheads: Small, black bumps that form when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. The black color is due to the presence of melanin, a pigment that gives color to the skin and hair.

  • Papules: Small, red bumps that are tender to the touch.

  • Pustules: Red bumps that are filled with pus.

  • Nodules: Large, painful bumps that form deep under the skin.

  • Cysts: Large, painful bumps that are filled with pus and can cause scarring.

Acne can occur on different body parts, including the face, neck, chest, and back. It can range from mild to severe and can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life. 

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to help manage acne and prevent scarring.

Best Essential Oils for Acne 

When it comes to acne, some essential oils are particularly effective at reducing inflammation, killing bacteria, and unclogging pores.

While essential oils can be effective at dealing with acne, it is important to use them properly, as they can be irritating when used undiluted. 

Also, be sure to do a patch test before using any new essential oil, as some people may be allergic to certain oils. Moreover, if your acne is severe or persistent, it is important to consult with a dermatologist to determine the best course of treatment.

Here are some of the essential oils that can be used for acne:

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree oil is a popular essential oil that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is extracted from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, which is native to Australia. Tea tree oil has many benefits and is one of the most effective essential oils for curing acne.

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it an effective treatment for acne. It helps to kill the bacteria that cause acne and reduces inflammation, which can help to prevent further breakouts. 

Tea tree oil is also a natural astringent, which helps to reduce the size of pores and prevent excess oil production.

Studies have shown that tea tree oil is as effective as benzoyl peroxide, a common ingredient in acne treatments. 

However, tea tree oil is less harsh on the skin and does not cause the same side effects as benzoyl peroxide, such as dryness and irritation.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil is a popular essential oil that is known for its calming and soothing properties. It is also commonly used for its benefits in treating acne. Here are some of the benefits of using lavender oil on acne prone skin:

  • Reduces inflammation: It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and swelling associated with acne.

  • Soothe the skin: The calming properties of the oil can help soothe irritated skin and reduce the appearance of acne scars.

  • Kills bacteria: This oil has antibacterial properties that can help kill the bacteria that cause acne.

  • Regulates oil production: It can help to regulate the production of sebum, the oil that can clog pores and cause acne.

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary sage oil is one of the most common essential oils. It has antimicrobial properties that fight acne formation and helps to balance sebum production. 

According to New York City integrative dermatologist Cybele Fishman, MD, clary sage oil is one of the top three oils for fighting acne. She notes that it also acts against the bad bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.

Clary sage oil has a calming effect on the skin and can help reduce inflammation. It also has antioxidant properties that help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. 

Clary sage oil is also known to help regulate hormone levels, which can be beneficial for those with hormonal acne.

Note: It is important to note that clary sage oil should not be used by pregnant women as it can stimulate contractions. It is also recommended to do a patch test before using clary sage oil to ensure that you are not allergic to it.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary oil is an essential oil that has been found to have numerous benefits for the skin. It contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which can help reduce inflammation and prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause acne.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, rosemary oil also contains antioxidants that can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to the aging process.

Rosemary oil has also been found to have astringent properties, which can help tighten and tone the skin. This can be particularly beneficial for those with oily or acne-prone skin, as it can help reduce the appearance of pores and prevent excess oil production.

How to Use Essential Oil for Acne 

There are several ways to use essential oils for acne treatment.

  • Topical application is a popular method, where you can dilute a few drops of essential oil in a teaspoon of carrier oil such as jojoba oil or coconut oil, and apply it directly to the affected areas with a cotton ball. Leave the mixture on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

  • For Steam treatment, you can add a few drops of essential oil to hot water and steam your face to open up the pores and allow the oil to penetrate deeply.

  • Aromatherapy is also beneficial, as you can add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser or inhale it directly from the bottle to help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

  • Lotions and Creams: Additionally, you can add essential oils to your lotions and creams, or even mix a few drops into your facewash to enhance their acne-fighting properties. 

Precautions and Side Effects

When using essential oils on skin, it is important to keep in mind some precautions and potential side effects. Here are some things to consider:

  • Patch test: Before using any essential oil on your skin, it is recommended to do a patch test to see if you have any adverse reactions. Apply a small amount of diluted oil to a small area of your skin and wait for 24 hours to see if there is any redness, itching, or irritation.

  • Dilution: Essential oils are highly concentrated and should not be applied directly to the skin. They must be diluted with a carrier oil, such as jojoba, almond, or coconut oil, before use. The recommended dilution ratio is usually 1-2 drops of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil.

  • Photosensitivity: Some essential oils, such as citrus oils, can increase your skin's sensitivity to sunlight and UV rays. Avoid using these oils before going out in the sun or using a tanning bed.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Some essential oils are not safe to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as they can cause harm to the mother and baby. Consult with your doctor before using any essential oil during this time.

  • Allergic reactions: Essential oils can cause allergic reactions in some people, especially if they have a history of allergies or sensitive skin. Stop using the oil if you experience any symptoms such as hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

  • Drug interactions: Essential oils can interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners or antidepressants. Consult with your doctor before using any essential oil if you are taking medication.

In addition to these precautions, there are some potential side effects associated with using essential oils on skin. These include:

  • Skin irritation: Some essential oils can cause skin irritation, reddening, or itching if they are not properly diluted or if you are allergic to them.

  • Dryness: Essential oils can also cause dryness or flakiness of the skin, especially if they are used too frequently or in high concentrations.

  • Acne flare-ups: In some cases, essential oils can worsen acne by clogging pores or causing inflammation. If you experience any new breakouts or worsening of your acne symptoms, stop using the oil and consult with your dermatologist.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best essential oils for treating acne scars?

Essential oils like lavender, tea tree, and frankincense are known for their skin-healing properties. They can help to reduce the appearance of acne scars by promoting skin regeneration and reducing inflammation. 

What are some effective ways to use essential oils for acne?

One of the most effective ways to use essential oils on skin is to mix them with a carrier oil and apply them to the affected area. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to your daily moisturizer or face wash.

Another way to use essential oils is to add a few drops to a bowl of hot water and create a steam treatment for your face.

Can essential oils help with cystic acne?

Yes, essential oils can help with cystic acne. Tea tree oil, lavender oil, and rosehip oil are some of the best essential oils to use for cystic acne. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the size and reddening of cystic acne.

What are the best carrier oils for acne-prone skin and scars?

Jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, and rosehip oil are some of the best carrier oils that are suitable for acne-prone skin and scars. These oils are non-comedogenic, which means they won't clog your pores. They also have skin-healing properties that can help to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

What are the benefits of using eucalyptus oil for acne?

Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the size and redness of acne. It also has a cooling effect on the skin, which can help to soothe inflamed acne. However, it is important to dilute eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil before applying it to your skin.

How can you naturally get rid of acne in 3 days?

While it is not possible to get rid of acne completely in just 3 days, there are some natural remedies that can help to reduce the size and reddening of acne. Tea tree oil, witch hazel, and aloe vera are some of the best natural remedies for acne. Apply these remedies to the affected area twice a day for best results. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid touching your face to prevent further breakouts.


In conclusion, essential oils can be a great addition to your skincare routine if you suffer from acne. They have been shown to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce acne lesions. 

However, it is important to note that essential oils should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment.

At Aroma Farmacy, we offer a range of premium natural and organic essential oils that can be used for acne-prone skin.  

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