How to Identify Pure Essential Oils

How to Identify Pure Essential Oils: A Clear Guide

Key Takeaways 

  1. Look for high-quality, organic, and sustainable sources.

  2. Essential oils should come in dark glass bottles with proper labels.

  3. Pure essential oils have a strong, natural fragrance.

  4. GC/MS testing ensures purity, potency, and quality.

  5. Look for certifications like organic, wildcrafted, or ethically sourced.

  6. Choose reputable brands that prioritize quality and purity.

If you're new to the world of essential oils, you might wonder how to identify pure essential oils. With so many products available in the market, it can be difficult to know which ones are genuine and which ones are not. 

Fortunately, there are several ways to determine the purity of essential oils, and this article will guide you through the process.


Essential Oils and Plant Sources

Essential Oils and Plant Sources

It's important to note that the quality of the essential oil depends on the plant source and the extraction method used.

Pure essential oils are extracted from plant sources without any adulteration or dilution. They are highly concentrated and contain the natural aroma and therapeutic properties of the plant. Pure essential oils are free from synthetic fragrances, additives, and chemicals.

Pure Essential Oils vs Synthetic Oils 

Pure essential oils are extracted directly from plants through methods like steam distillation or cold pressing, resulting in a concentrated form of the plant's natural oils. These oils are prized for their therapeutic benefits and potent aroma. 

On the other hand, synthetic or diluted oils are artificially created in a lab using chemicals to mimic the scent of natural oils. These oils may be cheaper, but they lack the same therapeutic properties as pure essential oils.


Factors to Consider When Identifying Pure Essential Oils

When it comes to identifying pure essential oils, there are several factors you need to consider. Here are some of the most important ones:


One of the most important factors to consider when identifying pure essential oils is sourcing. The quality of the plant material used to produce the oil is crucial, and it's important to look for oils that have been sourced from high-quality, organic, and sustainable sources. 

This will ensure that the oil is free from harmful chemicals and has been produced in an environmentally responsible way.

Bottle and Label Clues

Another important factor to consider when identifying pure essential oils is the bottle and label. A quality supplier will sell their essential oils in a tightly sealed dark (usually amber) glass bottle. These are typically less than 4 ounces, though the most common size is a 15 ml bottle. 

The label should include the common name of the plant, the botanical name, the country of origin, the method of extraction, and the date of distillation.

Aroma Characteristics

The aroma of an essential oil can also be a clue to its purity. A pure essential oil should have a strong, natural fragrance that is consistent with the scent of the plant it was extracted from. 

If the aroma is weak, synthetic, or otherwise off, it may be an indication that the oil has been adulterated or is of low quality.

Quality Standards

It's also important to look for essential oils that are produced to high-quality standards. Look for oils that have been tested by third-party laboratories to ensure purity, potency, and quality.

The most reliable laboratory test is called GC/MS which stands for "Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry". This test can identify the chemical composition of the oil and detect any impurities or contaminants.

Physical Properties

Finally, physical properties such as color, viscosity, and density can also be a clue to the purity of an essential oil. Pure essential oils are typically clear and colorless (with a few exceptions such as chamomile and patchouli). 

They should also be relatively thin and have a low viscosity. If an oil is thick, cloudy, or has a strong color, it may be an indication that it has been adulterated or is of low quality.


Essential oils can be expensive, but there's a reason! Higher prices often reflect factors like careful harvesting and extraction methods, which can impact the oil's potency. 

This careful handling keeps all the good stuff from the plant in the oil, making it strong and effective. 

So, while a lower price might be tempting, it could indicate that the essential oil isn't pure. It might be essence oil, which is weaker and lacks the full benefits, or even synthetic oil, which is man-made and lacks the true properties of a natural essential oil. 

Testing and Certification

Testing and Certification

When it comes to identifying pure essential oils, testing and certification are crucial. Here are some tests that you can perform to identify pure essential oils:

GC/MS Testing Explained

This lab test uses gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to analyze the chemical composition of the oil and detect any impurities or contaminants. GC/MS testing can identify the percentage of each chemical component in the oil and compare it to the expected range for that oil. 

A certified aromatherapist or a qualified lab can perform GC/MS testing and provide a detailed report of the results.

Certifications and Standards

Certifications and standards can also help you identify pure essential oils. Look for oils that are certified organic, wildcrafted, or ethically sourced. These certifications ensure that the oil is produced without harmful chemicals, pesticides, or abuse of workers or the environment. 

Additionally, look for oils that are labeled as therapeutic grade, which indicates that they are of high quality and purity.

Interpreting Test Reports

When you receive a GC/MS test report, it may include technical terms and data that can be confusing. However, there are some key factors that you can look for to interpret the report. 

  • Check for the purity percentage, which should be above 95% for pure oils. 
  • Look for any contaminants or adulterants that may be present, such as synthetic compounds or carrier oils.
  • Compare the chemical profile of the oil to its expected range and see if it matches.
  • If you have any doubts or questions about the test report, consult a certified aromatherapist or a qualified lab for guidance.

Choosing the Right Brand

When it comes to choosing the right brand for pure essential oils, there are several factors to consider. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. It's important to choose a brand that has a good reputation and is transparent about its sourcing and production methods. 
  2. Some companies prioritize quality and purity, while others may cut corners to save costs. Look for companies that prioritize the highest quality essential oils, such as Aroma Farmacy

Where to Buy Pure Essential Oils

When it comes to buying pure essential oils, it's important to choose a reputable supplier. Look for companies that specialize in essential oils and have a track record of providing high-quality products. 

You can also consider buying from an affiliate of a reputable essential oil company, as they are often held to the same high standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

What methods can be used to test the purity of essential oils?

There are several methods to test the purity of essential oils, including gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and infrared spectroscopy. These methods can detect adulteration, contamination, and other impurities in essential oils.

What are the signs of adulteration in essential oils?

The signs of adulteration in essential oils include a weak or synthetic aroma, a thick or oily consistency, and an unnatural color. Adulterated essential oils may also cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, or other adverse effects.

How can consumers verify the authenticity of essential oil labels?

Consumers can verify the authenticity of essential oil labels by checking for information such as the Latin name of the plant, the country of origin, the extraction method, and the batch number. Real essential oil labels also include safety warnings, usage instructions, and storage recommendations.

What happens if you apply impure or fake essential oil on skin?

Impure/fake essential oils on skin can cause irritation, and allergic reactions, and offer no benefits or worsen your condition. Use pure oils for potency and quality control.

What if a label says "fragrance oil" or "essence oil"?

These aren't necessarily pure essential oils. Fragrance oils are often synthetic, and essence oils might be pre-diluted with a carrier oil.

What if I'm unsure about an oil's purity?

Never apply undiluted essential oils directly to your skin. If unsure, it's best not to use it at all. Consider contacting the seller for more information.

Are there any home tests for checking the purity of essential oils?

There's a basic home test for purity:  Place a drop of oil on a paper towel. If it evaporates completely within 30 minutes, leaving no oily residue, it's a good sign. 


Identifying pure essential oils can be a challenge, but with the right knowledge, you can ensure that you are getting a quality product. Remember to look for essential oils that are 100% pure, therapeutic grade, and have been tested by a reputable third-party lab.

When purchasing essential oils, be sure to do your research and buy from a reputable company such as Aroma Farmacy, which offers a wide range of 100% pure essential oils.

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