Essential Oils for Cleaning

Essential Oils for Cleaning: The Ultimate DIY Cleaning Solution

Key Takeaways 

  1. Essential oils offer a natural and eco-friendly alternative to chemical-based cleaning products, providing effective cleaning power without harmful side effects

  2. Lemon, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and peppermint essential oils possess antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, making them effective for disinfecting surfaces and eliminating germs.

  3. Essential oils can be used in a variety of cleaning applications, from all-purpose cleaners to laundry detergents and carpet deodorizers, catering to diverse cleaning needs around the home.

  4. DIY cleaning recipes using essential oils are simple to make and can be customized to suit individual preferences, offering a cost-effective and sustainable cleaning solution.

  5. Proper dilution and ventilation are importanntl when using essential oils for cleaning to ensure both effectiveness and safety, and it's important to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards using essential oils for cleaning purposes. These natural extracts from plants not only offer an eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemical cleaners, but they also have antimicrobial properties that can help eliminate bacteria and germs in your home.

From homemade all-purpose cleaners to laundry detergents and even air fresheners, essential oils can be utilized in a variety of cleaning products to keep your home looking and smelling fresh.

With concerns about the impact of chemical cleaning products on both our health and the environment, many people are turning to essential oils as a safe and effective cleaning solution.

Top Essential Oils for Cleaning

Top essential oils for cleaning

Lemon Essential Oil 

Lemon essential oil has long been used for its refreshing scent and powerful cleaning properties. 

When used for cleaning, lemon essential oil can help to kill germs, remove stains, and freshen up any space.

One of the main benefits of using lemon essential oil for cleaning is its ability to cut through grease and grime. It is a great alternative to harsh chemical cleaners that can be harmful to both your health and the environment.

Lavender Essential Oil 

Lavender essential oil isn't limited to aromatherapy and relaxation; it's also a potent cleaner. While famous for its pleasant floral scent, its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties enhance its effectiveness as a natural cleaner.

Lavender oil can be used to freshen up laundry, disinfect surfaces, and even repel insects in your home. 

Its gentle yet potent cleaning abilities make it a versatile and eco-friendly option for those looking to reduce their exposure to harsh chemicals in traditional cleaning products.

Tea Tree Essential Oil 

Tea Tree essential oil has long been used for its antimicrobial and disinfectant properties, making it a popular choice for cleaning and household purposes. 

Derived from the leaves of the tea tree plant, this powerful essential oil is known for its ability to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

When used in cleaning products, tea tree essential oil can effectively eliminate germs and odors, leaving your home fresh and clean. 

Its natural antibacterial properties make it an ideal alternative to harsh chemical cleaners, especially for those who prefer an eco-friendly approach to cleaning.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil 

Eucalyptus essential oil is not just for aromatherapy and relaxation - it can also be a powerful tool for cleaning your home. 

Known for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, eucalyptus essential oil can help to naturally disinfect surfaces, eliminate odors, and repel pests. 

Lemongrass Essential Oil 

Lemongrass oil can be a powerful tool in your cleaning arsenal. This versatile oil contains natural antimicrobial and antifungal properties, making it an effective and safe alternative to harsh chemical cleaners. 

From disinfecting surfaces to eliminating odors, lemongrass essential oil can freshen up your home while promoting a healthier environment for you and your family.

Peppermint Essential Oil 

Peppermint essential oil is not only known for its refreshing scent and potential health benefits, but it can also be a powerful tool in your cleaning arsenal. With its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, peppermint oil can help disinfect surfaces in your home without harsh chemicals. 

From kitchen countertops to bathroom fixtures, this versatile essential oil can effectively eliminate germs and bacteria while leaving behind a pleasant minty aroma.

In addition to its cleaning abilities, peppermint oil can also help deter pests such as ants, spiders, and mice, making it a natural and safe alternative to traditional pest control methods.

DIY Cleaning Recipes Using Essential Oils 

DIY Cleaning recipes using essential oils

All-purpose Cleaner 

Ingredients: To make an all-purpose cleaning solution using essential oils, you will need 

  1. Distilled water
  2. White vinegar
  3. Liquid castile soap
  4. Combination of essential oils such as lavender, tea tree, and lemon.


  • Start by combining 1 cup of distilled water with 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle. 
  • Add 1 tablespoon of liquid castile soap to the mixture. 
  • Next, add 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 10 drops of tea tree essential oil, and 5 drops of lemon essential oil. 
  • Close the spray bottle and shake well to mix all the ingredients. Your all-purpose cleaning solution is now ready to use. 
  • Simply spray it onto surfaces and wipe clean with a cloth or sponge. 

Carpet Deodorizer 


  1. Baking soda
  2. Essential oils (such as lavender, peppermint, or lemon)
  3. A glass jar with a shaker top.


  • Pour one cup of baking soda into the glass jar.
  • Add 10-15 drops of your chosen essential oil(s) to the baking soda.
  • Put the lid on the jar and shake well to distribute the oils evenly.
  • Sprinkle the mixture liberally over your carpets and let it sit for at least 15 minutes before vacuuming.
  • Enjoy fresh and clean-smelling carpets

Bathroom Cleaner 


  1. White vinegar
  2. Baking soda
  3. Water
  4. Essential oils 


  • To make this cleaner, start by mixing half a cup of baking soda with a quarter cup of white vinegar in a bowl. 
  • Add in a few drops of your chosen essential oil for a fresh scent and extra cleaning power. Slowly add water to the mixture until it forms a paste-like consistency. 
  • Use a sponge or cloth to apply the cleaner to sinks, showers, and toilets. 
  • Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing and rinsing with water. 

Tips for Using Essential Oils for Cleaning 

  1. When using essential oils for cleaning, it is important to follow proper dilution ratios to ensure effectiveness and safety. 
  2. Always keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets
  3. Use in well-ventilated areas to prevent inhalation of concentrated vapors

Frequently Asked Questions- FAQs 

Are there any surfaces or materials that are not compatible with essential oils for cleaning?

Essential oils are generally safe for use on most surfaces, including countertops, glass, and wood. However, they may cause damage to certain materials, such as plastic or rubber, over time. It's always a good idea to test a small area before using essential oils on a new surface.

How long do the cleaning effects of essential oils last?

The cleaning effects of essential oils can vary depending on factors such as the type of oil used, the concentration, and the surface being cleaned. While some oils may provide immediate disinfecting properties, their effects may dissipate over time, especially in high-traffic areas.

Can essential oils be used to eliminate odors in addition to cleaning?

Yes, essential oils are effective at neutralizing odors and leaving behind a fresh scent. They can be added to homemade air fresheners, used in diffusers, or applied directly to surfaces to combat unpleasant odors while cleaning.

Can essential oils be used in laundry for cleaning purposes?

Yes, essential oils can be added to homemade laundry detergents or fabric softeners to impart a pleasant scent to clothes. Some essential oils, such as tea tree oil, may also have antibacterial properties that can help sanitize laundry.

Can essential oils replace commercial disinfectants?

Essential oils possess natural antimicrobial properties, but their effectiveness as disinfectants may vary depending on the type of microorganism and concentration used. While they can be effective for everyday cleaning, they may not always replace commercial disinfectants in high-risk areas.

Are essential oils safe to use for cleaning around children and pets?

While many essential oils are safe when used properly, some may be toxic to pets or cause allergic reactions in children. Always research the specific oil and its safety precautions before using it in a household with children or pets. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation when using essential oils for cleaning.


In conclusion, the rising popularity of essential oils for cleaning reflects a growing awareness of the benefits of natural, eco-friendly alternatives to conventional cleaning products. 

From their antimicrobial properties to their pleasing aromas, essential oils offer a multifaceted approach to household cleaning that promotes both cleanliness and well-being. 

For high-quality essential oils and expert guidance on incorporating them into your cleaning regimen, visit our collection today and discover the transformative power of nature's purest extracts.

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